The benefits that the company obtains from keenness to apply quality concepts lead to several benefits for the institution or company in general, the most important of which are:
- We currently find that some institutions and companies require their counterparts dealing with them to obtain an international quality specifications certificate.
- Most of these concepts have become sponsored by international institutions and at a global level, which makes the spread of these concepts as general rules and globally recognized and required standards.
Therefore, the company’s keenness to apply these concepts and standards contributes to the progress of companies towards globalization.
- Adopting unified standards leads to similar working conditions (in general), which creates convergence and participation between companies with similar fields of work around the world.
- Similarity of standards and working conditions leads to benefiting from the experiences of advanced companies in their field of work and leads to transferring successful experiences to emerging companies.
- Providing employees with various skills, which leads to developing the capabilities of the company’s human resources.
- Proper use of resources (material, natural and human …), especially at a time when the scarcity of resources has become an obstacle and a limitation for many companies.
- Achieving financial gains through optimal use of resources, saving the cost of resources used, and reducing expenses.